Projects / Forest Management
Pilot project - Invasive plant management, Arga S.João, Caminha

 Invasive plant management of Silky hakea (Hakea sericea

Hakea sericea Schrader, commonly known as silky hakea or needlebush is an evergreen shrub or small tree, with robust and very prickly needle-like leaves, native to South Australia. In Portugal, it's classified as an invasive species, listed in annex I of Decreto-lei n.º 565/99, of 21 december. It was initialy introduced in Portugal as an ornamental species and to create natural fences.


Silky hakea spreads over land forming a very dense and impenetrable cover, impeding native plant species to grow and fauna from using this land.


ACHLIs goal is to carry out this pilot-project that aims to apply different types of treatments on the Silky hakea at different growth stages and conditions (green and post wildfire). The main objective is to test treatments (mainly mechanical) that may be replicable, effective and affordable for the treatment of areas infested by silky hakea.


The pilot-project covers a total area of 7,40 ha of community land belonging to the parish o Arga S.João, Caminha, district of Viana do Castelo. A contract between ICNF (Portuguese Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests), the Conselho Diretivo dos Baldios de Arga S.João and ACHLI was signed. During the validity of the contract the applied treatments will be closely monitored to determine how the silky hakea responds to the treatments.

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Duarte Cadete
"Lobos em Portugal", Paulo Caetano e Joaquim Pedro, Editora Má Criação